The risks of antimicrobials in the animal industry | Olmix


The risks of antimicrobials in the animal industry

A report from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) points out the important consequences of misusing antimicrobials in animal production.

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has recently shed the light on the tragic situation of the national animal health systems worldwide. According to a detailed report, the quality of Veterinary Services has a considerable scope for improvement, especially aspects concerning the trade and use of antimicrobials.

It is to be remarked that more than 110 of the countries evaluated do not have significant legislation concerning aspects such us importation, manufacture or distribution of veterinary products –including antimicrobials-, a situation that may lead to a real chaos within the animal industry if nothing is done in the early future.

As a result, restrictions are none and almost anyone in these countries can access antimicrobials. What is worse, these antimicrobials can be adulterated, since they circulate as normal goods, which means that it is almost impossible to control how they are used in animals.

However, the situation is not only worrying the animal industry itself. As these antimicrobials can be easily purchased –they can be found even in the internet-, so is their use for non-therapeutic purposes: on fruit trees to control certain bacterial diseases or on the animal feed as growth promoters.

Although there are some measures to be taken in order to prevent antimicrobial resistance in animals, countries should be very cautious and start working together to ensure that the global trade is clean and free of antimicrobials risks.

Read the complete report from the OIE.