Algae: an effective lever for carbon-free agriculture and consumption | Olmix


Algae: an effective lever for carbon-free agriculture and consumption

Mr Hervé Balusson, Olmix Group’s CEO & Founder, gives an interview for the first issue of Blue Innovation Magazine, where he addresses algae as a must in terms of renewable resources, antibiotic and pesticide-free production and the future projects to come.

B.I. - Olmix Group has always been following the path of marine biotechnology… In what sense are the solutions that Olmix Group offer synonymous with change?

Collectively and internationally, our society is facing two major challenges: we need to produce more high quality food in order to feed a growing population, yet we also need to protect the environment in order to ensure the renewal of our resources.

B.I. - Why algae?

The excesive use of pesticides, drugs and chemicals is a matter of legimitate concern, and since the creation of Olmix Group this has led us to focus upon algae.

B.I. - What are the main challenges you are facing to realize this ambition?

We are working on several upcoming projects. For instance, ‘BioAlg’ is a project to be born soon as a useful tool for the developlment of new actors in the sector and promotion of greater collaboration between as many of them as possible.

Read the full interview

*Pages 26-29