Olmix mycotoxin solutions associate specific clay, algae and complementary selected materials to efficiently reduce the impact of mycotoxins, including the most difficult ones. The MT.X+® solution is incorporated directly into the feed or premix
Mycotoxicosis in dairy cows
Mycotoxins cause many disorders on cows, especially a weakened immune system and digestive and/or reproductive issues. Reduced feed intake, diarrhoea, low milk yield, mastitis, an increased somatic cell count, low fertility rates and higher vet costs are among the different symptoms that are not usually linked to mycotoxicosis directly.
Limiting the effects of polycontamination
In bovine feeding, the diversity of ingredients in rations can increase the presence and variety of mycotoxins. Since polycontamination increases the toxicity of each mycotoxin, a wide-spectrum solution is required.
Prevention is the best way to fight mycotoxins. The recommended approach is to combine regular quality control of the raw material with the preventative or curative use of a wide spectrum solution. MT.X+® provides wide-spectrum adsorption without reducing the nutritional value of feed.
Increased milk yield
Reduced somatic cells count
Higher fertility rates
Improved health and physical conditions
Average recommendations for dairy cows:
• 1-2 g per kg of dry matter intake (20-50 g per cow daily).
The Olmix Technical Department will help you optimize the inclusion rate of MT.X+ ® in your feed to suit your farm and expected results.
Mycotoxins in dairy farming
How mycotoxins can alter the productivity of your cows.
Decrease the transfer of mycotoxins from sows to piglets with algoclay
08-07-2022Algoclay technology has proved to decrease mycotoxin transfer from sows to piglets.
Olmix launches new solutions for animal immunity and mycotoxin risk management in Morocco
Algimun® and MT.X AA®, both now available in the country.
Local regulations should be consulted concerning the status of this product in the country of destination. All information only for export outside Europe, USA and Canada.
Usable in organic farming in compliance with the EC regulations No 834/2007 and No 889/2008.