Monday, 5th November, 300 Breton stock breeders attended the 1st Olmix technical meetings organized at the Group seat in Bréhan (56). The most important goal of these meetings was to provide the breeders with technical information on the solutions based on green, red and brown algae developed by our enterprise.
The solutions sourced from algae have, in particular, the property of boosting the animal’s immune system, stabilizing the gut flora and improving the hygiene of the animal’s environment.
The farmers were welcomed by Hervé Balusson, CEO of Olmix Group, who stressed the importance of innovation, of know-how in animal and food production and of scientific knowledge in the field of algae, which are « as many assets that should enable Brittany to inject some dynamism into the algae industry! » he said. Hervé Balusson also reminded that the region has one of the richest and most beautiful deposits of algae worldwide, with as many as 700 varieties. « Let us generate value added with all this, let us work with vets to make better use of the algae molecules which will help us obtain antibiotic-free products tomorrow! » he concluded his speech at the opening of these technical meetings.
During the workshops of presentation of our products and technologies, the technical managers of Olmix Group and the vets had the chance to demonstrate their field experience. The vets in particular showed their satisfaction at finding alternative solutions to the use of antibiotics, whose efficiency is decreasing and whose use is becoming restricted owing to an increasingly evident antibiotic-resistance. In parallel with these workshops, the breeders had the opportunity to visit the Group facilities, which are currently at peak activity processing red algae, whose season starts with the first autumn storms. We should remind that the season of green algae reaches its end at this time of the year.
As a conclusion to these technical meetings, Benoit Quéro, manager of the veterinary group GSAB and an avian veterinary himself, reminded that « if the Breton food industry wishes to be successful, it should have a type of approach which aims to produce without antibiotics by generating value added and premium products in order to maintain a sustainable poultry, pig and dairy production – the engines of growth in Brittany. »
Owing to this first edition of Olmix Technical Days, the breeders received more insight both into society and into the products issued from bio-marine technologies. Most of the breeders who attended this first edition have not suspected, until now, the degree of innovation required to develop these state-of-the-art products. This high technological level has thus strengthened the breeders’ conviction that the solutions to replace antibiotics will mainly come from algae !