Z’fix® farm effluent enhancer awarded at Animal Tech 2021! | Olmix


Z’fix® farm effluent enhancer awarded at Animal Tech 2021!

Profi Press Media Agency awarded the Olmix’s farm efluent enhancer Z’fix® on the occasion of the Animal Tech 2021 and the National Livestock Exhibition hosted last month in Brno, Czech Republic.

The Awards Ceremony at the Animal Tech 2021 and the National Livestock Exhibition (Brno, Czeh Republic) turned out to be an excellent occasion for Olmix! Its Z’fix® farm effluent enhancer got rewarded for its benefits and advantages to improve animals welfare and farmers comfort through better atmosphere in the buildings, but also plant and soil nutrition through optimized fertilizer values of the slurry at spreading.

Thus, after deliberation, the editors from Profi Press tipped the balance in favour of Z’fix®, particularly due to the biostimulation properties that make the product unique within its range:

"The presence of products such as Z’fix® in this exhibition is highly appreciated. Its capacity to improve the environment in the farm and stables and the quality of the manure have great effects on health and welfare. It is an outstanding solution," Zdeněk Makovička, editor-in-chief, said.

About Z‘fix®

Z’fix® is a dust-free pearled pellet designed to enhance the biological, physical and agronomic quality of manure, slurry and compost. Its ECO ingredients control fermentation in organic matter in order to preserve the maximum fertilizing elements.

Advantages to be highlighted:

  • Saving of fertilizers while maintaining yields and quality and ensuring performance.
  • Saving straws as some trials around 3.5 kg / cow/day.
  • Better atmosphere in buildings, thus contributing to animal health and welfare.
  • Ammonia emissions reduced by up to -30% during storage and spreading.
  • Homogenization and fluidization of the slurry.
  • Can be used for all types of manure and can be applied in the presence of animals.

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