Pig, Poultry and Dairy Focus Asia: Second day of conferences | Olmix


Pig, Poultry and Dairy Focus Asia: Second day of conferences

Olmix Group was represented on stage by Danièle Marzin, the company's Marketing Director, who delivered a conference entitled "Dairy Performance Improvement, thanks to algae!".

The second day of the Dairy, Pig and Poultry Focus Asia turned to be as productive and interesting as the opening day. This time, the presentations were focused on several aspects about animal animal health management in different production systems.

Olmix Group had, once again, the opportunity to be on stage and give a conference to the audience gathered in the event. Danièle Marzin, Olmix's Marketing and Innovation Director, delivered a speech on the potential of algae-based products to provide real solutions for dairy health management. Ms. Marzin also informed about the properties and advantages of the MMi.S mycotoxin binder in dairy production as well as the demonstrated impact of DigestSea in balancing lipid metabolism early in lactation to avoid development of ketosis.