Technical Supervisor Frédérick Bussy showed one of the company’s latest research
Olmix Group took part in the JRP (Journées de la Recherche Porcine) symposium 2016, which was held in Paris, France, from 2nd to 3rd of February. This year, around 400 participants were involved in the event.
Olmix’s Animal Care Technical Service Team took the opportunity and went on stage to show the company latest research and work. Frédérick Bussy, Technical Supervisor of the company, presented a poster on the immune modulating effect of a seaweed extract on specific IgG and total IgA titers in the colostrum and milk.
“The immunomodulation potential of a crude extract, from green algae Ulva armoricana (EA), was demonstrated in vitro by Berri and al. The results indicate that the seaweed extract administrated orally could stimulate the enteromammary immune system but not the systemic one. Additional studies are necessary to determine the mechanisms involved”, Bussy explained.