Olmix Group delivered a presentation at the 10th Bi-Annual Pheasant Management Seminar in Janesville (USA) | Olmix


Olmix Group delivered a presentation at the 10th Bi-Annual Pheasant Management Seminar in Janesville (USA)

María Ángeles Rodríguez, Olmix Group’s Technical Service Manager, presented a discussion of mycotoxins effects upon game bird health and performance.

Once again, over 100 participants from around the world gathered together at the 10th edition of the Bi-Annual Pheasant Management Seminar held in Janesville (Wisconsin, USA). This year the seminar covered a wide range of topics such as nutrition, water quality, hatchery or growing management practices and offered interesting and productive workshops.

Olmix Group took the opportunity and had a relevant role along the act. María Ángeles Rodríguez, Olmix Group’s Technical Service Manager, gave a conference talk on mycotoxins effects on game bird’s health and performance. The conference was introduced by Mr. Bill MacFarlane, who showed his own convictions about mycotoxins being a very real threat to game bird performance.

Besides, each afternoon the attendees could also participate in virtual tours that were provided to bio-securely observe MacFarlane's barn, outside pens and hatchery. However, guests were not allowed to step onto farm or hatchery sites due to Avian Influenza concerns.

MacFarlane Pheasants is the largest source of pheasants and other game birds in the U.S. and routinely uses Olmix Group’s products such as Mistral and MMi.