Olmix Group and the Breizh Algae School join the Blue Train project | Olmix


Olmix Group and the Breizh Algae School join the Blue Train project

Mr Hervé Balusson, Olmix Group President and CEO, along with several members of the Breizh Algae School (Saint-Étienne-du-Gué-de-l’Isle, France), attended the official launching of the Blue Train project, a new programme promoted by the Station biologique de Roscoff and supported by 25 collaborative partners from the public and private sector in France.

Olmix Group and the Breizh Algae School have officially joined the latest collaborative programme launched by the Station biologique de Roscoff: the Blue Train project. Awarded with the Future Investment Programme ‘Partnership for Vocational Training and Employement’ by the Caisse des Dépôts (France), the Blue Train aims to praise the region of Brittany as the center of vocational training in terms of marine biotechnology.

As the world’s first algae institute that focuses on scientific and technical progress in algae, it was only natural that the Breizh Algae School (Saint-Étienne-du-Gué-de-l’Isle, France) wanted to get involved in this project and become an official partner. But how is the Breizh Algae School contributing to this project?

Over the 5 coming years, a total of 900,000€ will be invested to develop a professional training offer and create and implement new courses at the training center, always supported by Olmix Group and the Pierre and Marie Curie University (France).

Thus, the contribution of the Breizh Algae School to the Blue Train project shows its clear and strong commitment towards continued professional training for the field of biotechnology to be one of the pillars of the entire regional ecosystem. As Mr Hevé Balusson explained during the launching event, the center aims to provide high-level technical knowledge and reach a wide audience in order to spread a scientific culture and awareness: "We need to train young marine biotechnology ambassadors from all around the world”.


Mr Hervé Balusson delivered a speech at the launching event.

Click here for more information about the Blue Train project.