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Study demonstrated that feeding the Olmix Algoclay technology reduced the accumulation of fumonisin B1 by around 40% in the liver and by 50% in the meat.
PRESS RELEASE | New peer-reviewed publication.
In 2019, Olmix initiated a long-term research program with Professor Philippe Guerre from the Veterinary School of Toulouse (ENVT, France) in which the deposit of fumonisins in broiler tissues was investigated, with or without feeding Olmix Algoclay technology (combining algae and clay). The toxicokinetics of fumonisins are characterized by a low oral absorption and a rapid plasma elimination. For this reason, fumonisins were not considered to accumulate in animals.
Meanwhile, recent studies have shown that the hepatic half-elimination of fumonisins can be quite long in chickens and turkeys, encouraging us to investigate the deposit of fumonisins in broiler tissues. In this study, broilers were fed a diet contaminated with 20 ppm fumonisins for 4 or 9 days prior to slaughtering at 21 days old (figures 1 & 2).
While this short exposure to fumonisins, at levels approaching the maximum recommended level defined by the EU guidelines, did not trigger any sign of toxicity nor effect on performances, it caused an accumulation of fumonisins in the liver and breast muscle. This study is the first one ever demonstrating a deposit of fumonisins in broiler tissues.
This study also demonstrated that feeding the Olmix Algoclay technology reduced the accumulation of fumonisin B1 by around 40% in the liver and by 50% in the meat.
These results are published in Toxins peer review journal and complete the long list of proofs of efficacy of Olmix Algoclay technology carried out in experimental research institutes against the major mycotoxins found on the field.
Press contact : Laurence GUILLEVIC, communication & marketing: lguillevic@olmix.com - +33 (0)6 07 35 27 14