“The impact of food digestibility in terms of productivity is great. We must always look for better performance and feed conversion rates. The margin gained by producers depends very much on feed effectiveness. Therefore, investments to upgrade feed conversion offsets the increased cost of raw materials”, María Ángeles Rodríguez, Product Manager of the For Feed range from Olmix Group, explained during her talk.
According to the expert, this feed conversion improvement must go hand in hand with a daily weight gain improvement, which is another important parameter for the profitability of poultry companies and a sign of good health for the animals.
“At the same time, the margin producers obtain from meat or egg depends on production efficiency. Thus, investing in upgrading the daily weight gain offsets the budget increase in raw materials. The more expensive the feed is, the more you need to obtain a better daily weight gain!”.
Stand of Olmix Group at AMVEAV.