This protocol is based on strengthening and boosting immunity thanks to algae extracts validated by two recent INRA publications and used in Searup in the water and Algimun in the feed. Moreover, the programme takes some other factors into consideration: mycotoxin risk control (with MT.X+, Olmix’s mycotoxin binder) environmental hygiene (with the animal environment sanitizers Mistral and MBroiler), digestive well-being (with Sealyt, Olmix’s digestive regulator) and last, but not least, digestive efficiency (with the Olmix’s enzyme booster MFeed+ to be used in the feed and with DigestSea, through the water.
Since September 2017, more than 100,000 birds have been labelled and commercialized as antibiotic- free, which represents 90% of the birds placed under an antibiotic-free protocol by the Olmix Animal Care division. Performances and results are complying with the average of the region on turkey raised in buildings sized between 800 and 1200m² and with a density around 7,2 animals/m².
Antibiotic-free turkey production: results.