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This distinction is not just a recognition of the work done for years, but a commitment to continue working in a coordinated and synergistic way in the future to be able to continue offering our customers effective and sustainable solutions.
Olmix has granted Agri-Bio Philippines, together with a small group of distributors around the world, the diploma Olmix Premium Partner. This distinction awarded after years of joint work involves a greater implication of partners in the strategic decisions of our company. The management of the joint knowledge is one of the tools that will make the difference between those that mark the way and those who follow their footsteps behind.
Olmix, pioneer in green chemistry, starts a new phase focused on the blue economy, research-based economy and the development of the resources offered by the sea. In this new and challenging enterprise, technological, industrial and commercial partners will be the key to a certain success. Agri-Bio Philippines, in its condition of Premium Partner, is called to participate in this challenge in an active and decisive manner.
M.Danilo C. Ticsay of Agri-Bio Philippines, awarded Olmix Premium Partner: