Mycotoxins: what's new for 2022? | Olmix

Mycotoxins: what's new for 2022?

Sponsored by OLMIX

10-11-2021 Webinar. 10:00-11:00 a.m. PST

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As the corn harvest is finishing, Neogen and Olmix will share their findings on the 2021 growing season in the U.S. and how it is impacting mycotoxin contamination levels. Join us along with producers, nutritionists, and veterinarians, as we discuss prevention and control strategies to minimize the negative impacts of mycotoxins on animal performance.

Hosted by Farm Progress, during this webinar participants will learn about:

  • The impact of weather patterns on the 2021 crop;
  • How this is impacting mycotoxin contamination in grains;
  • Mycotoxin risk in the new corn crop;
  • Prevention and control strategies.


Impact of weather patterns on new crop and the associated mycotoxin risk

Anthony Lupo

Senior Director of Technical Service NEOGEN

Mycotoxin risk in the new corn crop

Paul Olsen, DVM

Technical Services Veterinarian Olmix Group

Mycotoxin prevention and control strategies

Marie Gallissot

For Feed Product Specialist Olmix Group


Andy Vance

Director, Strategic Accounts Farm Progress