Myco'Science | Olmix


12-04-2022 Amsterdam (The Netherlands) & Online

A unique event gathering major renowned scientists

from all over the world

Renowned scientists from all over the world shared their latest scientific advances for a better mycotoxin risk understanding and management in feeds with the objective of giving tools and solutions to secure your feeds, animals’ performance and profitability.

Read the press release

Morning (UTC+1): "From field to feed"

Development of mycotoxins in plants
Pr Paola Battilani Unicatt, Italy
Everything you always wanted to know about mycotoxin analysis
Dr Alix Pierron ENVT, France
Deep look on mycotoxin occurence
Msc Margriet Faber Olmix, The Netherlands
Speed up your mycotoxin analysis: NIR perspectives
Dr Adriano O. Mallmann Pegasus, Brazil

Afternoon (UTC+1): "From feed to animals"

Fusariotoxin impact on gut health and immunity
Pr Isabelle Oswald INRAe, France
Fumonisin accumulation in broiler tissues
Pr Philippe Guerre ENVT, France
Transmission of ZEN, DON, and their metabolites from sows to piglets
Dr Regiane Santos SFR, The Netherlands