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Press Release | New advance, SEALICA®
Olmix has taken a new step forward in the value of algae in agriculture. The R&D team works demonstrated the effect of combining different algae extracts with silica in monomeric form. This technology has been patented and named SEALICA®. It activates the plant’s nutrition and defence mechanisms and substantially improves crop yields, as demonstrated by trials carried out on corn, winter wheat and potatoes.
Specialised in the extraction and development of active ingredients from seaweed, Olmix innovates to provide farmers with solutions to the stresses affecting their crops. According to Bruno Daridon, R&D director of Olmix Plant Care : « the SEALICA® technology, applied by foliar application, acts on the expression of plant genes, including those typical of defence reactions to abiotic stresses, nutrition, photosynthesis, redox status, hormone regulation and defence mechanisms against biotic stresses. »
In terms of yield, the results of the SEALICA® technology are significantly higher than those obtained with the active ingredients tested separately. On corn crops, the R-SEALICA® technology (R for Red algae) increases yield by an average of 8% compared with the yields obtained with the compounds alone. The algae and silica combination technology (M-SEALICA® - M pour Mix of algae) has also proved its worth on winter wheat crops, with a 5.3% improvement in yield compared with use of the compounds alone. For potato crops, the R-SEALICA® combination doubles the yield gains compared with those obtained when the active ingredients are used separately.
Seaweed extracts have long been used in agriculture and are known for their ability to stimulate plant growth and their defences against environmental stresses. In partnership with Bordeaux INRAE and Nottingham university (UK), Olmix investigates the agronomic potential of the different major families of algae: brown, red and green. These scientific works enable the teams to make significant progress in the understanding of the potential of each family of algae, opening the way to innovative complementary combinations.
In the current situation of climate change, the search for solutions to support crops and preserve their production potential is becoming a major challenge for farmers. To meet this challenge, Olmix decided several years ago to make the most of a natural, renewable resource: algae.
Olmix is a global company specialised in developing, producing and distributing high-value biosourced solutions for livestock and crop farming. Thanks to its ranges of finished products and ingredients, Olmix is a privileged partner of farmers, distributors and agri-supply manufacturers on an international scale to enable smart, sustainable agriculture.
Its Plant Care division develops innovative technologies in over 50 countries to improve soil fertility, increase fertilisation efficiency and reduce the impact of stresses on plants thereby reconciling economic and environmental performance.
Founded in central Brittany, Olmix employees 650 people generates €160 million in annual revenues and operates eight industrial sites, including a biorefinery specialised in algae processing and 3 formulation plants for its Plant Care business
Maxime COIFFET | Director of Institutional Relations and Corporate Communications | mcoiffet@olmix.com | +33 (0)6 63 79 00 60
Laurence GUILLEVIC | Communication Manager | lguillevic@olmix.com | +33 (0)6 07 35 27 14