The risk of mycotoxins
It can be said that the mere presence of mycotoxins on the farm presents itself a risk for animals and has a relevant impact on the technical and therefore economic performance of livestock, as it was well explained by Laurain:
“When we talk about the presence of mycotoxins, we usually think about high contamination rates. However, even low and medium contamination are a major threat for animal’s health and performances. The diverse problems that may occur because of mycotoxins involve several risks for animal health since there is higher sensitivity to infections and even vaccines can be affected.”
According to the expert, it is of utmost importance to have the right tools to cope with any issues related to mycotoxin risk. That’s one of the reasons why “a wide spectrum toxin binder is always a must as mycotoxins are always present in polycontamination scenarios.”
Julia Laurain (Olmix Group).