Moderated by Olmix Group’s Marketing Director, Ms Danièle Marzin, and attended by more than 200 participants, Prof. Dr. Bernd Kaspers (University of Munich, Germany) opened the symposium by giving an insight into the unique features of the avian immune system and the importance of microflora and bacteria in animals.
“The complexity of the immune system is not only that it is composed of several types of cells, but they develop and differentiate through time, and also they migrate to different tissues. Early gut colonization with proper microflora is essential to the development of immunity in animals… Actually, the contact with bacteria is essential for a proper development of the immune system and provide a good protection!," Dr. Kaspers explained, thus paving the way to Prof. Van Immerseel (Ghent University, Belgium), who later on went on stage to, precisely, focus on what the cost of the activation of the immune system involves:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Kaspers (University of Munich, Germany).