Thanks to the unique properties of seaweeds, Olmix Group is able to use diverse technologies with proven biological activity to develop effective products. When placed in animal health programs, these products allow for a reducion of antibiotics, while conserving or improving performance and animal welfare.
Olmix Group are experts in algae processing, from harvest to final innovative products. A complete marine algae processing chain has been developed using a unique biorefinery process, allowing the extraction of unique biologically active molecules, called MSP®. Olmix have three main resource groups: clay minerals, trace elements and algae, which are the core raw materials of the Group’s technology and solutions.
Talking about ruminants and young calves, Ms Nyvall-Collen shed some light on those sustainable strategies to cope with the main issues affecting the industry, which not only reduced costs but also improved productivity and performance, in a manner favoured by suppliers and consumers alike.
Ms Pi Nyvall-Collen (Olmix Group).