Macroalgae: finding a route from research to consumers | Olmix


Macroalgae: finding a route from research to consumers

Olmix Group presented algae as a unique source of sustainable solutions at the recent Algae Biomass Summit 2018 in Houston, USA.

Attended by hundreds of professional experts of the algae industry, Algae Biomass Summit 2018, one of world’s largest algae events, was successfully held at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center (Greater Houston, USA), where scientific and comercial leaders that are turning algae into a game-changing technology had the possibility to discuss some of the hottest topics concerning the industry: the future of algae for food and feed, algae applications for cultivation systems and advances in algae extraction, processing and conversion, among others.

Besides participating in many interesting meetings and fruitful encounters at the event, Olmix Group was invited to contribute and present its development of natural sustainable solutions for agriculture based on algae, followed by a scientific round-table discussion on the diverse uses of macroalgae to produce more with less.

“Algae can help us aim at a circular economy in terms of raw materials, logistics, processes and applications. We can use our raw material to a maximun and reduce waste to a minimun while providing natural alternative solutions for a sustainable food production”, Ms Pi Nyvall, Olmix Group’s Scientific Director, explained.

Considered to be a 100% natural resource, algae play a vital role in the global carbon cycle, being also a tool with low risk of toxicity or ecotoxicity. These special properties made them the perfect solution to be used as the core to develop sustainable and respectful strategies for animal and plant care.

“We do know that seaweeds are the key player to move towards a sustainable value chain. To collect this sustainable resource we have developed a novel harvest tool,  a crawler tractor that has less impact than a footprint on the shore. In addition our processing method is renowned for its efficient use of the raw material via the multiproduct biorefinery, which results in natural products for animals and plants that allow us to reduce the use of antibiotics and pesticides”, Ms Nyvall said

Participants of the Algae Biomass Summit 2018.

In fact, results speak for themselves: Olmix Group has developped an antibiotic-free programme based on natural products that aims to boost immunity, health and well-being of animals, fight antibiotic-resistance and remunerate the farmer. Called SAGA (‘Sans Antibiotique Grâce aux Algues’, which means ‘Without Antibiotics Thanks to Algae’ in English), this project started in 2017 by testing antibiotic-free production on 4 Turkey flocks by applying a protocol of natural products formulated with seaweeds.

“SAGA programme is a comprehensive protocol that uses the synergetic properties of Olmix Group’s range of products and different specific algae extracts, called MSP®, which confirms that it is possible to produce more and better by reducing the use of antibiotics. It is clear that antibiotic-free demand is now coming from the market and Olmix is able to help and bring the support to produce natural alternatives thanks to algae”.