Olmix will be Gold Sponsor for the 2nd Symposium on Alternative to Antibiotics (ATA) in animal production | Olmix


Olmix will be Gold Sponsor for the 2nd Symposium on Alternative to Antibiotics (ATA) in animal production

The event will be organized by USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) from 12th to 15th December in Paris (France).

Olmix will be Gold Sponsor for the 2nd International Symposium on Alternative to Antibiotics in animal production (ATA), organized by USDA (United States Departement of Agriculture) and OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) from 12th to 15th December 2016, at the OIE headquarters in Paris, France.

The symposium will be focused on the latest scientific breakthroughs and technologies that provide new options and alternative strategies to prevent and treat animal diseases and reduce the use of medically important antibiotics in agriculture.

Six areas will be explored in detail through scientific presentations and expert panel discussions, including emerging topics related to gut health, such as chararacterisation of the microbiome and its interactions with the immune system with potential clinical applications. This symposium will also highlight the emerging field and interest in treatments that demonstrate both antimicrobial and immune-enhancing capabilities.

In each session, invited speakers will give keynote lectures on the latest state-of-the-art in the area of interest, including Pr. Mustafa Berri, from INRA (French national agronomical research institute). Pr. Berri will deliver an oral presentation about green macroalgae sulfated polysaccharides (Olmix’s MSP): a natural alternative to antibiotics via modulation of the intestinal immune response.

Besides oral and poster presentations, round table discussions on the conference topics will be organized and will enable a fruitful dialogue between scientists from the food and feed industry as well as between researchers from all over the world.

Olmix, as a global know-how leader in the area of marine biotech applied to animal, plant and human health, actively supports research and knowledge exchange in this area and will participate in the symposium to present its effective solutions for a healthy food chain, thanks to algae.