Great success at the 'XV ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE MICOTOXINAS' in Brazil. | Olmix


Great success at the 'XV ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE MICOTOXINAS' in Brazil.

The Convention took place at São Paulo University (USP), campus de Pirassununga, in São Paulo-Brasil, from 23 to 25 April 2014.  

Leading international authorities, researchers and specialists in the field gathered at the Convention. Eng.María Ángeles Rodríguez, Mycotoxin specialist Olmix Group, gave a lecture entitled "Green algae polysaccharide-modified montmorillonite Extracted composite for mycotoxin adsorption".

The presentation of the mycotoxin binder + MT.X was the main novelty of the event. Our concept and the wide range of products generated great interest among the participants.  Thus, the new mycotoxin binder MT. X + will become the benchmark product in such a competitive market like Brazil.

Olmix thanks to all participants. Praise and congratulations for the organization of the whole Conference.

* Local regulations should be consulted concerning the status of these products in the country of destination. All information only for export outside Europe, USA and Canada.