Olmix and Crop Agritech, a partnership to bring new Plant Care solutions to Thailand
26-07-2022Both companies are set to introduce a first Plant Care program to improve fruit cultivation into the Thai market.
Gaining flexibility in feed formulation when raw material prices are volatile
12-07-2022Abrupt changes in raw materials might have a severe impact on the farming industry. In such times, investing in feed efficiency becomes crucial.
Decrease the transfer of mycotoxins from sows to piglets with algoclay
08-07-2022Algoclay technology has proved to decrease mycotoxin transfer from sows to piglets.
Olmix, awarded for its Animal and Plant Care ranges in Serbia
Olmix’s animal environment conditioner Mistral®, and Geo2, Olmix’s soil activator, awarded at the recent Novi Sad Fair 2022!
Optimising pig gut health with macroalgal extracts
22-06-2022Advantages of specific algae extracts to pig farming.
Macroalgal extracts improve cow health status and production performance
14-06-2022Olmix experts talk about algae and dairy farming on the latest issue of Positive Action magazine.
How to achieve successful sunflower establishment?
02-06-2022The Algomel PROACT foliar solution offers several advantages to farmers.
Looking at alternative strategies to Nitrogen
01-06-2022Olmix expert Grant James shares his holistic view of crop nutrition at Agronomist & Arable Farmer magazine.