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Plant Care

Olmix and Crop Agritech, a partnership to bring new Plant Care solutions to Thailand


Both companies are set to introduce a first Plant Care program to improve fruit cultivation into the Thai market.

Animal Care

Gaining flexibility in feed formulation when raw material prices are volatile


Abrupt changes in raw materials might have a severe impact on the farming industry. In such times, investing in feed efficiency becomes crucial.

Animal Care

Decrease the transfer of mycotoxins from sows to piglets with algoclay


Algoclay technology has proved to decrease mycotoxin transfer from sows to piglets.

Olmix Group

Olmix, awarded for its Animal and Plant Care ranges in Serbia



Olmix’s animal environment conditioner Mistral®, and Geo2, Olmix’s soil activator, awarded at the recent Novi Sad Fair 2022!

Animal Care

Optimising pig gut health with macroalgal extracts


Advantages of specific algae extracts to pig farming.

Animal Care

Macroalgal extracts improve cow health status and production performance


Olmix experts talk about algae and dairy farming on the latest issue of Positive Action magazine.

Plant Care

How to achieve successful sunflower establishment?


The Algomel PROACT foliar solution offers several advantages to farmers.

Plant Care

Looking at alternative strategies to Nitrogen


Olmix expert Grant James shares his holistic view of crop nutrition at Agronomist & Arable Farmer magazine.